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Once Again Youve Shown Your Dedication

"Thank you for understanding" automatically makes me call up I'g being let downwards. Someone could paw me an water ice cream cone and say, "Cheers for understanding," and I'd likely stand there waiting for the boom to be lowered while my cone sadly melted.

Often, this phrase isn't a bad omen at all — it'due south simply one that'south overused and misunderstood.

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If you're in sales, it's important to be a pupil of language to ensure your advice is never weighed down by a poor turn of phrase or like shooting fish in a barrel platitude. So, instead of reaching for your trusty "Thanks for understanding," here are a few alternatives — along with when and how you lot'd use them.

thank you for your understanding alternatives list

Amend Ways to Say, "Thank You for Understanding"

1. Thank you for your comprehension.

This is really a helpful phrase when communicating with English language speakers for whom English is not their master language. "Cheers for your comprehension" translates in a cleaner, more coherent way for many non-native English language speakers.

Example: "I've attached the documents for your review at the bottom of this email. Thanks for your comprehension."

2. I appreciate your flexibility.

Many times, when we thank someone for agreement, we're really thanking them for allowing united states of america to extend a deadline, forgiving us for moving a meeting, or explaining why we need to stick with a certain timeline. In these cases, "Thanks for your flexibility" amend communicates what you're really appreciative of.

Example: "I capeesh your flexibility in allowing me to move our meeting to tomorrow."

3. I appreciate y'all sticking with me.

You might also utilize this phrase to thank someone for begetting with you through a long presentation or meaty email thread. Instead of thanking them for understanding how complicated the upshot is, give thanks them for sticking with you.

Example: "Thanks for sticking with me while our lawyers firmed up the details of our contract."

4. Thanks for listening.

How do we understand? By listening. If someone understands why you've made a certain conclusion or taken a specific action, they've likely listened to what y'all have to say. And that's worth acknowledging.

Example: "That was a long presentation. I promise yous found it valuable and know that I really capeesh you listening."

five. Thank you for your compassion.

Did you brand a mistake and forget to adhere a briefing number to your most recent coming together invite? Everyone makes mistakes, simply when you send an amends email make certain to acknowledge their compassion for your blip of humanity.

Case: "I apologize once more for the technical problems on our call today. We're working to go those sorted out, and I'd like to thanks for your compassion on this outcome."

6. I'k thankful for your support and understanding.

Agreement doesn't always equal support — just in some scenarios, information technology can. If a prospect goes to bat for y'all in a meeting with their team or superiors, thank them for understanding your product or service's value.

Example: "In that location was some doubt in that meeting, but I actually appreciated your support for what nosotros do."

7. I appreciate your dedication to excavation into this result.

Sometimes understanding requires both parties to spend more time and resources earthworks into an event. In these cases, it's all-time to acknowledge their extra work.

Instance: "Thanks for getting your hands muddy and digging into this result with me. I remember it will benefit our projection moving forwards."

8. I'm grateful for your commitment to working through this.

It takes time to work through certain problems. And if a client or prospect demonstrates the patience and fortitude to solve challenges with yous, don't only thank them for agreement — thank them for committing to seeing things through.

Instance: "I know it wasn't easy working with your HR team to get that hiring data, and I know nosotros're non quite to the terminate line, but I wanted to thank you for your delivery to working through this with me."

9. Thanks for your expression of faith in my abilities.

When a client or prospect takes the time to work through a difficulty, that's a sign they're committed to your product/service — or your abilities equally a salesperson. When they put their organized religion in you, make sure information technology doesn't go unnoticed.

Example: "Thanks for supporting me in that coming together with your executive staff. I appreciate your faith in my abilities."

ten. I value your trust.

Similarly, when a prospect arranges for you to give a presentation in front of their peers or executives, it means they trust y'all enough to give you that opportunity.

Instance: "I capeesh the opportunity to speak to your colleagues about [Company name] and what we offer. I value your trust and will work difficult to see and — hopefully — exceed your expectations."

eleven. Thanks for your encouragement.

When mistakes are made, a groovy client or prospect might tell you they empathize. Instead of mirroring their language, thank them for their encouragement. Considering it is encouraging to have support when you know you've let them down.

Example: "I really dropped the brawl when I forgot to invite your technical director to our meeting last week and wanted you to know how much your encouragement meant to me."

12. Thanks for your collaboration/teamwork here.

Sometimes you'll develop a collaborative relationship with your prospects/customer. In these cases, they're really going the extra mile and deserve to be recognized.

Example: "I know this project required a lot of your time, and I couldn't have done it without you. Give thanks you lot for your collaboration."

Show Appreciation the Right Style

Truly great business professionals are students of language and always looking for new ways to tweak and test their communication. Nosotros hope y'all'll endeavor a few of these phrases out on your prospects and run across how they humanize your emails.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in August 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Originally published Jul 30, 2021 5:00:00 PM, updated July xxx 2021


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